The list of the venues joining the Eating Out program of the Italian Coeliac Association (AIC) is available only for the AIC members. Every AIC member has been given a special code to access it. If you are not yet an AIC member, please, contact your local Association. If you have forgot or lost the code, you can ask to your local Association. If you are a tourist visiting Italy from abroad, you can buy AIC Mobile Welcome from yourappstore (iOS or Android), a temporary version of our App available up to 15 days from its purchase. Both Apps are available in English too.
To see all the gluten-free venues of a specific city, you don’t need to fill in the entire form: it’s sufficient to select, in the form below, only the Region or the Province and then select or write the name of the city.
PAY ATTENTION PLEASE: venues joining our Eating Out program are identified on the map only by the following logos, different from the ones used by Google to point out other NOT GLUTEN-FREE venues

Avviso agli utenti
AIC non cede nè trasferisce ad altri siti internet o ad altre applicazioni (oltre a quelle elencate in questa pagina) il data-base dei prodotti in Prontuario, per cui non è responsabile dell’attendibilità e dell’aggiornamento di altri siti/applicazioni dedicati ai prodotti senza glutine del Prontuario AIC, di cui sconsigliamo l’utilizzo, dato che non risultano aggiornati né sotto il controllo dell’Associazione. Ricordiamo che ogni diritto sulle banche dati AIC è riservato e coperto da copyright (vedi “note”, in fondo a questa pagina).